Welcome to Strafford County Family Justice Center!
We Are Here For YouDomestic abuse, sexual assault and stalking, can happen to anyone. The Strafford County Family Justice Center is here to help. We are located at 150 Wakefield Street in Rochester, NH in the Community Building behind Spaulding High School. Our services are free. Call today or come by to talk with a confidential advocate or related professional. We are open Monday through Friday from 9:00 to 4:00.
Our mission is to provide individuals and families impacted by domestic abuse, sexual assault, stalking and elder abuse with the opportunity to create safer, more stable lives for themselves and their children by providing in-depth, professionally supported, comprehensive services. This work is carried out through multi-disciplinary collaboration, compassionate advocacy and driven by the highest standards of excellence.
We Are Here For YouDomestic abuse, sexual assault and stalking, can happen to anyone. The Strafford County Family Justice Center is here to help. We are located at 150 Wakefield Street in Rochester, NH in the Community Building behind Spaulding High School. Our services are free. Call today or come by to talk with a confidential advocate or related professional. We are open Monday through Friday from 9:00 to 4:00.
Our mission is to provide individuals and families impacted by domestic abuse, sexual assault, stalking and elder abuse with the opportunity to create safer, more stable lives for themselves and their children by providing in-depth, professionally supported, comprehensive services. This work is carried out through multi-disciplinary collaboration, compassionate advocacy and driven by the highest standards of excellence.